


Bank corruption causes far more damage and economic loss than all other crimes combined.




Banks have control over accounts and trade with them without the owner’s consent. This encourages reckless trade and corruption.


Reckless trade


In 2021, stock market traders approached the business owner in this case study. They offered, as long as they could trade using their cash, they would continue depositing several million a month back into their account. When asked how this works, they explained that each time a debt is sold it is revalued 3 or 4 times higher. When asked if this is legal, they replied. “It’s not exactly illegal, but as long as we keep this a secret the longer we can keep doing it.”


We have Bloomberg reports of the sale of hundreds of thousands of property charges. Tracked from many European countries to many states of the USA and back to more European banks.


All debt before 2008 was sold like this which compounded the financial crash. But if 80% of just residential mortgages are still part of this, in the UK alone that’s over £1.3 trillion worth of mortgage debt traded recklessly.




AI has analyzed the published transactions of Bank-C in this case study. This bank is potentially responsible for £136.3 billion of corrupt transactions. A whistleblower confirms this bank has set aside £5 billion for payouts when caught. And 10.8 million equity charges have been wrongfully traded by banks abusing civil law in the United Kingdom.


Examples of trillions lost globally to corrupt banks:



George Clooney said, “Misinterpreting parts of law, profits a small number of people at the center of the banking system. But by fully respecting all laws of an all-inclusive political system, the irony is such talented professionals will shape a much bigger future for themselves.”